Egyptian Adventure TourTour Directed by Ferrell & Elizabeth JenkinsClick here for PeopleClick
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plan to post photographs of our Egyptian Adventure |
on GROUP above for a larger photo New photos added March 15.
The Colossi of Memnon in the Valley of the Kings at Thebes. These great statues which stand more than 50 feet high once served as the entrance to the mortuary temple of Amenhotep III. Note the white fence behind the left statue. New excavations are taking place there. Greek and Roman tourists gave these monuments the name "Memnon." |
The entrance to Karnak Temple at Luxor with the hordes of tourists interfering with good photography. How dare they! So many, in fact, that one could hardly move. |
Columns in the massive hypostyle hall in the temple of Karnak. This hall covers 6,400 square yards. The roof was supported by 134 papyriform columns of limestone. |
of the Luxor temple can be seen from the Nile River. Luxor was
known as Thebes in the Old Testament. Both Jeremiah and Ezekiel prophesied
the Lord's judgment of the city (Jer. 46:25; Ezek. 30:14-16). Alexander
the great came to Thebes in 336 B.C.
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Me make you cheap price! The enterprising salesmen row out to meet the cruise ships at Esna. |
Nile Pioneer II. Our Five Star Deluxe home on the Nile River for four nights. This is one of the hundreds of boats that transport tourists from Luxor to Aswan (or the reverse trip). |
In the Sinai. Elizabeth and I took a two day trip into the Sinai peninsula after the tour. We spent a short night at the New Morganland Hotel near St. Katherine's monastery. Beautiful setting. |
of Saint Katherine's (on left slope) and the Rest, traditional
place of the camping of the Israelites at Mount Sinai. This photo was
made earlier on the morning of March 8, 2005.
Egyptian Museum is filled with artifacts from all periods of Egyptian
history. Unfortunately, the Museum no longer allows photos of the artifacts.
This is a bad policy. The great museums, such as the British Museum, the
Louvre, and the Pergamum Museum in Berlin do allow photos.
The Nile River serves as a corridor of trade for Egypt. This boat is carrying cut stones to be used in building projects. | ![]() |
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Edfu Temple. This is the temple of the sun god Horus who is represented by a falcon. The temple was begun by Ptolemy III in 237 B.C. and completed by 57 B.C. Ptolemy is portrayed repeatedly on the temple walls. |
on the Nile in a felucca is an wonderful experience. The scenery
is outstanding as we sail around Elephantine Island at Aswan.
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Mohammed Ali Alabaster Mosque in Cairo. No, not the boxer. He took his name from the man for whom this mosque is named. Mohammed Ali was an Albanian who played a prominent role in the history of Egypt during the 19th century. He brought numerous reforts to Egypt and his influence continued until the middle of the 20th century. |
Unfinished Obelisk in the granite quarry at Aswan. People look
small by comparison. This obelisk would have been 137 feet long. It weighs
1152 tons.
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Christian Tietze of the University of Potsdam explains some of his work at Tell Basta to Ferrell. This site is in the Land of Goshen and is identified with the Pi-beseth (or Pibeseth) of Ezekiel 30:17. |
at the Temple of Kom Ombo. This temple is located about 100 miles
south of Luxor and was built by the Ptolemies in the second century B.C.
The temple is dedicated to two gods, Sobek and Haroeris.
Sobek was represented as a man with the head of a crocodile. Haroeris
was a falcon-headed god. Oh, the folly of idolatry! (Psalm 115; Isaiah
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Temple to the Emperor Trajan (A.D. 98 to 117) on Philae Island at Aswan. The Romans entered Egypt a full century before the time of Christ and remained infulential in the country for several centuries. We know that Christians of Bithynia (in Asia Minor) were persecuted during the reign of Trajan. |
obelisk at Tanis. Tanis was known as Zoan in the Bible (Numbers
13:22; Ezekiel 30:14). The Hyksos rulers made their captal at Rameses,
calling the city Avaris. Scholars now believe that Tell el-Dab'a
is the site of Rameses (Exodus 12:37), and that the stones were moved
a short distance to the site we know as Tanis. Tanis served as the site
where the Ark of the Covenant was discovered in the fictional Indiana
Jones' movie, Raiders of the Lost Ark.
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Suez Canal near Lake Timsah (Ismailia) at sunset. The Suez Canel, which links the Mediterranean to the Red Sea, opened in 1869 and as served as the lifeline of the British Empire. The canal was nationalized by Egyptian president Nasser in 1956. |
TOP | Perhaps more photos to follow? |